All Things Worthy


Lane Guitzkow's Facebook profile

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Liquid Sculpture

Liquid Sculpture isthe process of creating shapes by dropping and splashing water, or other liquids. These sculptures are then photographed, since they last only a few thousandths of a second. Creating and capturing these engaging forms requires careful manipulation of the materials and precise control of the lighting and timing.

Lane at 8:15 PM

Border Cultures: Conjunto Music

The music of the Mexico/United States border region is one of the most vibrant expressions of this unique culture. The links on this page provide starting points for learning about the conjunto musical style, its history, cultural significance, and artistry.

-- Essay Música Fronteriza (Border Music), by Manuel Peña.

-- Photo exhibit of Central Texas conjunto accordionists.

-- Arhoolie Records exhibit, with music excerpts, liner notes and photos of classic conjunto recordings.

From the Benson Latin American Collection, University of Texas at Austin.

Lane at 8:05 PM

David Doubilet's Undersea Images

David's images of life under the sea have amazed viewers around the world for four decades.

Some of his subjects are powerful and threatening, some are delicate, shy and elusive, but all are presented with an artistry and style that are easily and immediately recognizable. With a highly respected body of work that grows continuously, his images are always pushing the limits of underwater photography to new levels.

Lane at 7:59 PM

20 Things About Me

I've been tagged.

OK, here goes

  1. I work too much, I help to run 3 businesses.
  2. I love to camp and my favorite place to camp is here.
  3. I love to cook.
  4. All my family loves for me to cook.
  5. I have built over 500 homes with my own two hands (with the help of a crew).
  6. My wife is taller than me (quite a bit :).
  7. I have a 4 year old daughter and a baby due in Febuary.
  8. Im 40 years old (41 in November).
  9. I sometimes feel I love my daughter too much and fear that God will take her from me because of it.
  10. I can talk to anyone, anyplace, anytime yet prefer to be alone.
  11. I was given a scholarship in music but did not take it.
  12. I have a very hard time sitting down and relaxing.
  13. Im good at training animals and have never been taught to do it.
  14. I have an older sister and a younger brother.
  15. I listen to Chopin and The Cure.
  16. My dog is not a dog, she's a member of the family.
  17. I love Haribo gold-bears.
  18. I love to grow vegetables but do not do so for lack of time.
  19. I like movies with happy endings.
  20. The state of the world hurts my soul.
I'm tagging... Pam!

Lane at 8:18 AM
